Super-Fast, Low Config, Flexible Kanban plugin for Jira
Overbård (pronounced ‘board’; it’s Norwegian) is a super-fast, low config, flexible Kanban board integrating with Jira.
Overbård is shipped as a Jira add-on. It is packed with features, and was written in order to get the support we needed at Red Hat to support our agile process for the development of our massive middleware project Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. We found shortcomings in Jira Software itself, so we made it useful, initially by addressing the things which made Jira Software itself unusable for us:
- Horizontally scrollable boards, with collapsible columns.
- Dynamically populating options for filters and swimlanes in the client itself, minimising the need for configuration. All changes to the view purely happen on the client side making it superfast.
- Links you can share with your team to drill down into areas you want to highlight
Apart from the configuration, all the data and permissions are driven by your Jira instance.
Check out our read-only demo to get a feel for how it works before installing it into your Jira, and take a look at our docs to discover more of our innovative features. When you are ready to install it in your Jira instance, ask your Jira Administrator to download and install. We release frequently, so keep an eye out in order to always have the latest and greatest version. Once set up, any project admin can configure boards for their projects.